
MAILART project Freedom

Verschillende geselecteerde werken van de opgestuurde mailart zijn gebruikt in de lezing over Vrijheid tijdens de Vrijheidsweken in Den Haag. Hartelijk dank aan alle kunstenaars die deelnamen aan dit project.


Alex Witter

love without discrimination or cultural and religious limitations

Follow me on Instagram: alexwitter2017


...diverse nagekomen post

Matheus de Carvalho

Glória Baptistel

Emilio Carrasco Gutierrez

Anderson Luiz de Sovta

Alexandre Cardoso

Claudia Reckziegel


Nancy Doruelles

Nancy Doruelles

Luiza Alexandra Lewczuk

 Guido Capuano

Rosa Gravino

Lars Schumacher

Karen Wood

Antonia Mayol Castelló

Michelangelo Mayo with Global citizen on the march

Leslie Atkins

titel: Freedom to wonder if you should have stopped while you were ahead.

Martina Berger


Alex Witter

There was a time when you were branded as cattle as a slave. Your mouth was checked to see if your teeth were good. Your own children have been divorced and sold. You were on a chain and you were forced to work. If you were rebellious or did not want to work, you could choose between a short or long sleeve. It is too horrible that people can do that to each other. I am happy that these practices are illegal nowadays. I'm happy. I'm free!


Alex Witter

Article 19
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression:

Follow me on Instagram: alexwitter2017